Tuesday, October 8, 2013

From the Dome

Hats and Flags
Drill team is exciting. It’s also unnerving. Shay is a typical horse frightened by anything new. First practice had her whirling. I wasn’t on her.  It was the first time she saw a flag that was attached to another rider flapping in the wind.
The benefit of drill team is its knowledgeable leaders.  “I’ll take her,” Christine called out. She ponied her around the ring close to the flag about five rounds.  Then she said, “She’s ready.”

I mounted and followed the drill team around the ring inching closer to the flag. She did OK. Fast forward one week. Shay behaved well. After all, I’d trained her at home. Using our own flag I put her in our ring and let her run circles around me and the flag. She was willing to come close for a carrot. By the time we were done, she dared nearing the flag in order to enter her stall where I’d put some carrots.
The winds had been high, the sun bright. No hat would bear the brunt of the 35+ mph winds without blowing off my head; except one--an alpine fedora. For some strange reason, those head hugging hats were invented to withstand the alpine gusts. And they do. I’m so fortunate my late Auntie Hilde sent it to me many moons ago. I’d not used it except for Halloween “dirndl” costumes. This time, I wore it this time in my windy horse ring. It never budged off my head. My alpine ancestors were soooo smart!!!  

a windblown feather

Friday, October 4, 2013

Feast Of St. Francis

Today all you animal lovers should hug your pets. Francis loved not only birds and wolves but all of nature. We also ought to pray for our Pope, his namesake. He leads a simple life just as Francis did. Don't forget our priests who will be out today to bless numerous pets in Francis' honor.

Our own pet activities included:
1. Shampooing our accident prone rug with our little steam machine..
2. Shampooing our dog with our I-Pethead dry shampoo. Both she and the rug smell nice now.
3. Praying at our home Pet Cemetery with St. Francis.

Of course our other animals weren't left out. Shay the horse was well fed, but in her stall, because of today's high winds. Our eclectic taste-budded Bear the guinea pig got her lettuce, cilantro, carrot shreds, candied dry fruit and grass, and Dottie the dog got a change in diet to Pedigree, which she favors over the last mix of feeds. Her hair will stay long during the cold winter months. No trim for her.
Oh, and the clowns will get their fish flakes and the tank will be cleaned too. The sanitation crew snails will munch on the algae growing on the tank's rocks and walls.
Have a fun St. Francis day and love those wonderful beasties that brighten our lives.