Friday, October 26, 2012

The Pipe, the missing page (October 26)

Reema’s mother braced herself as officials spilled into the spaceport. She faced them with a smile. “Legends are real,” she said.
None of them had time to ask what she meant because the main exit slid open. Her daughter entered, Kraft a step behind. “It’s Trip,” groaned Reema nodding a polite greeting to the group of elders. Spreading her arms in a gesture of nervous confusion she complained, “He was chasing us, trying to start trouble.”
“He passed through the dome without protection,” added Kraft.
“We should reevaluate our senior cadet,” said Reema’s mother. “He rarely follows orders.”
“He must have tripped the second alarm. We thought what had entered the city left the same way,” said the city guardian, his eyes fixed on Reema’s mother.
“I request an emergency council meeting,” answered the security officer. “Reama and Kraft must come.”
The Guardian nodded and motioned to the five council members. Together they led the three to the blue council chamber adjacent to the spaceport. Before anyone could ask a questions, the guardian’s senior security officer repeated, “Legends are real.”
"We know," agreed the council.
“The aliens came through the pipe,” blurted Reema laying bare her thoughts.
“There were two,” added Kraft, "A boy and a girl." He lowered his mind shield, too.
Reema’s mother explained, “The children from the world called Earth aren’t telepaths. They aren’t ready for our world.”
“We had to protect them from Trip,” said Kraft. “They were so scared.”
"Trip tore the protection sheet from the girl," said Reema sharing her terror to the members of the council.
 “And how did they reopen the portal?” asked the guardian.
“I told my daughter to give them a twig from the tree,” answered Reema’s mother. Her silver-grey eyes held steady on the Guardian. She kept her thoughts fully open to the probing of all the council members.
“Then all is secure,” said the Guardian. He turned on his heels, and followed by the others, returned to the space port.

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