Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hänschen Klein

A favorite German children’s song

Hänschen klein ging allein
In die weite Welt hinein.
Stock und Hut steht ihm gut,
Ist gar wohlgemut.
Aber Mamma weinet sehr,
hat ja nun kein Hänschen mehr.
"Wünsch ihn Glück,
sehr viel Glück;
kehr' nur bald zurück"

Here is an English translation

Little John, left his home;
went into the world alone.
Walking stick; hat looks chic.
And his step is quick.
But his mother weeps and cries,
Has no Johnny for her eyes.
Wishes luck,
Lots of luck
Come back soon my Buck  

Friday, March 30, 2012


Paul and Melanie with Clyde Tombaugh at RTMC

What is RTMC?
It's the Riverside Telescope Makers Conference; and no, it’s not held in Riverside, although the first event was held at the city college in 1969. RTMC is an annual happening that takes place traditionally on Memorial Day weekend in the city of Big Bear, California.

Why should you go?
RTMC is the grandest of star parties that brings together hundreds of astronomers from around the world. They converge on Camp Oakes, a YMCA camp that has hosted RTMC for many years. Notable astronomers of past events included Eugene Shoemaker and wife Carolyn, David Levi, Clyde Tombaugh, Don Machholz and many more.

What’s a Star Party?
Star parties are dark sky telescopic events that bring together astronomers, both professional and amateur, to view the night sky through telescopes, often built by themselves. At RTMC, hundreds of home built telescopes fill the three fields of the camp. Some telescopes boast mirrors as large as 30 inches. Daytime events include conferences and presentations, talks on astro-imaging, and hands on lessons on how to build a telescope, followed by awards ceremonies for the best telescopes entered in this event.

What else can you do at a star party?
You can learn to sketch constellations, planets, and the moon. At RTMC you can also learn how to grind mirrors for your home built telescope.  You can learn how to take pictures through your telescope, too. By the way, the free raffle tickets get you everything from optics for your telescope and star maps, to the grand prize of an eight inch telescope.

Did you say YMCA?
Yes, this weekend is fun, not only for the dour heady astrophysicists and astronomers, but also their families. There is a lake for canoeing, horses for riding, hiking trails, tent camping, and even a pool for swimming. No fires or lights, please. Astronomers don’t need light or smoke pollution, especially when astro-imaging.

Come to RTMC this Memorial Day weekend!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Death Valley Scenes

Spring Break is over, but not the memories. Turns out that Badwater Basin area mentioned in last week’s Thursday blog entry has a modern history. Death Valley from Badwater to Golden Canyon (see Monday’s Lost in Space story) shaped the scenery of Star Wars IV. 
Looking toward Furnace Creek

 Although the scene from the movie is taken looking down from Dante's lookout, this photo taken at Badwater Basin gives a feel for the great expanse of Death Valley.

Golden Canyon
 You can almost see the little aliens hiding behind the rocks. Or maybe R2D2 heading up the canyon in search of Obi-Wan.
Here's the link to Star Wars locations: