Saturday, March 24, 2012

Astroonomy Friday

Sometimes vacations provide an absolutely grand sky. When you're in a place like Death Valley, the sky's to die for. The two nights there caught the following:

The 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain, an old Dynamax with fabulous optics, captured:
  1. Jupiter
  2. Mars
  3. M-42 in Orion
  4. Cor Caroli
  5. Split both Alcor and Mizar in the Big Dipper
10 x 50 Celestial Images Binocular gleaned:
  1. M-81 and M-82 galaxies
  2. The galaxies of Leo
  3. Andromeda
  4. Coma Bernicies
  5. Open cluster M-41 in the Canis Major
Goes to show that even binoculars can "see" galaxies and other faint fuzzies

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