Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Father and I are One

A story in keeping with today's feast of the Apostles, Sts. Philip and James:

The Master stood there, as if he’d never left, never suffered, never died. Phil ran his fingers through his thick dark hair. He grabbed a tuft and twisted hard, to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. His mind whirled and his heart thumped in his chest, because he remembered another time. It had been only days before, but it seemed an eternity.
All the apostles were gathered in the upper room for Passover, and Jesus was glum. It was as if he thought something bad was going to happen. Phil didn’t understand the mood at the time. Usually Passover was solemn but joyful. Yet, Jesus’ conversation got heavy. Phil tipped his head sideways like he always did when he listened hard. Jesus was talking serious stuff, something about going places.
Tom piped up, “Going where?”
The Master sat the head of the table answering, “I told you. I’m getting a place ready for you.” Phil and the others whispered to one another trying to figure out what Jesus meant. Sitting closest to Jesus, Phil didn’t miss a word, but nothing made sense.
Tom’s blue eyes searched the room. He asked, “What’s wrong with this place?” But Jesus kept up his strange mood. His talk was way over their heads, although Tom seemed satisfied with Jesus’ comment that he was coming back--but from where?
Then the Master answered Tom’s thoughts as if he could read them, “You know where I’m going, and you know the way.” 
Tom grumbled, “Look, we don’t know where you are going; how can we know the way?”
“I am the way . . .” Jesus said. The words cut the air. Even Phil found the words out of this world, especially when Jesus finished with, “No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Philip leaned closer to say, “Show us the Father.” He didn’t really expect any response. He just wanted Jesus to get off the subject because everybody was going nuts over the melodrama.
Philip almost choked when Jesus said, “Philip, “I’ve been with you all this time, and still you don’t know me?”
All the talk about “the Father and I are one; and if you see me, you see the Father,” drove him crazy . . . until now.
            The Jesus who stood before him was one with the Father, and he knew it. 

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