Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jeopardy-Federal Regulations

Sanctity as exhibited by previous fictional stories includes struggle. College students of today face similar struggles as they seek to live out their faith. This link explains.
Why should anyone be concerned over Federal mandates on Catholic institutions of learning? In the regulation of human sexuality, which this mandate involves, such controls cross the line of religious freedom protected by the Constitution.
On an individual and personal level, it counters the moral fiber built up by the constant teachings of the Catholic Church, and buttressed by encyclicals. See: http://www.goodmorals.org/smith6.htm
Contraception has become so accepted, even among Catholics, that its serious consequences have been overlooked. Here are a few:
  • Premature and promiscuous sexuality
  • Unwanted pregnancies followed by abortion
  • Sexual exploitation of partners
  • Lack of conjugal commitment and divorce
  • Abortions caused by the use of contraceptives (many are abortifacients)
These problems are the direct result of the disruption of the natural end of sexuality, procreation. Just as it is unnatural to thwart the nature of eating by anorexic or bulimic behavior, it is likewise unnatural to frustrate the unitive aspect of a sexual encounter intended for total self-giving.

This does not mean that couples are at the mercy of their procreative powers. The saints themselves have proven that periodic abstinence allows for the intelligent regulation of births. In order to better provide for the children they had brought to life, many embraced a celibate lifestyle similar to that of St. Joseph and Mary the Mother of Jesus.
Here is a non-Catholic link with the same moral view of sexuality:
The decision is yours.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that. I cannot live in good conciense if I used contraceptive methods in my marriage. NFP is amazing and made easier through modern medicine. :).
